
12 weeks

High Intensity

Bodyweight, Indoor, Outdoor

You don’t have much space but want to work on your fitness? You have come to the right place!

12 weeks

Body Boost

Bodyweight, Indoor, Weights optional

You don’t have much space but want to work on your fitness? You have come to the right place!

12 weeks

Hybrid Burn

Weights, Bodyweight, Outdoor day

You don’t have much space but want to work on your fitness? You have come to the right place!

Account deletion request

Please fill in the data of the account you want us to delete. We will email the email address to confirm that is really you. Only afterwards we will delete your account.

La suppression de ton compte et de tes données signifie que toute ta progression dans l'application sera perdue à jamais.

  • Tu ne pourras plus te connecter et toutes tes données seront supprimées (dont tes entraînements, points, badges, commentaires).
  • Tout abonnement existant restera actif jusqu'à sa date d'expiration.
  • Si tu t'es abonné via l'App Store, tu devras annuler ton abonnement en allant dans
    Paramètres iOS > Identifiant Apple > Abonnements
  • Si tu t'es abonné via notre site Web, tu devras y annuler ton abonnement.
