
Available now

Table Tennis
Fitness Plans

Available now

Table Tennis
Fitness Plans

Available now

Table Tennis
Fitness Plans


  • Training Fitness Plans specifically curated for Table Tennis
  • High level of customization, perfectly adapted to your physical condition
  • Wide range of workouts and training concepts to always keep you motivated


Since a few years, the Goliaz App has been known worldwide for preparing athletes of various fitness levels and sport backgrounds to become the best version of themselves.

After having launched several highly customized training plans, but somewhat generalist, the Goliaz App is now focusing on specific sports.

Because of the relationship that our coach and mentor has had with table tennis for more than 40 years, because the services available at this level are almost non-existent, of poor quality, or offered by people not related to this sport, table tennis was chosen to pioneer the new approach.

Learn more about our main table tennis plan – TT ON-SEASON.


This is the training plan you should use during the sports season, combining it with specific table tennis training. In this plan you will work on 3 main components:

– Endurance – using a HIIT-based protocol, you will improve your ability to sustain intense efforts efficiently for longer periods of time;

– Explosion – the combination of strength and speed will improve your power. Plyometric training will allow you to develop faster, more powerful and more efficient shots;

– Injury prevention – this is the component of your training that will help you stay out of trouble. You’ll specifically strengthen the muscles and joints most prone to injuries in Table Tennis.

Who is it for?

These plans are designed for all table tennis players, amateur or professional, who wish to take their fitness to the next level and thus improve their performances on the table.

First steps

If you don’t have the Goliaz app on your smartphone yet you can download it now.

Once you are logged in, you have the overview of the various Training Plans available.

Our big choice of training plans, also for table tennis

Swipe down until you see the title SPORTS SPECIFIC. There you will find the table tennis plans. Choose your plan and the detail screen opens with a description of the plan and all its features.

If you want to learn more about how to adapt your Training Plan to your needs, read our tutorial.

Table Tennis on-season training plan


To Start a Training Plan you will need a Premium Subscription. Anyway, as a new user, you are eligible to a 14 days free trial in the App or Play Store. If you cancel your subscription during the 14-day Free Trial you will never be charged.

So, what are you waiting for? Join us today!


For best results, you should also consider your nutrition during the project. The app will help you here, by calculating the nutritional values, calories and macros, that you should respect. We will advice you on how to choose the best option during the Training Plan setup. We will also provide you with some tips in our blog.


We strongly advise you to join our official Support Group in the app. You can find it by tapping on the MyGTG icon in the bottom menu. Here, you will meet other athletes and are able to ask questions.


Let's go!

Start the WARM-UP

Get a first taste of our new Training Plans and prepare for the Transformation Project.


Transformation Project


We will start The Shift and advance through the weeks together. If you join later, no problem.


Account deletion request

Please fill in the data of the account you want us to delete. We will email the email address to confirm that is really you. Only afterwards we will delete your account.

Deleting your account and data means that all your progress in the app will be lost forever.

  • You will no longer be able to log in, and all your data including your workouts, points, badges, comments, everything will be deleted.
  • Any existing subscription will stay active until its expiry date.
  • If you subscribed in the App Store, you will need to cancel your subscription in
    iOS Settings > Apple ID > Subscriptions
  • If you subscribed on our website, you will need to cancel your subscription there.

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